My June Happenings, 2016 #monthlywrapup #booknerd #authorblog

Rawls E Fantasy, Reminiscing, fantasy, authorblog, blogseries, reading, adventure, epic fantasy series, YA, MG, new author, new series, blogger, booklover, mustread, elves, dragons, fairies, fae, vampires, goblins, mystery,

This past June was more balanced: not overly stressful, but still busy. I did a few fun summer things, like going to the beach for the annual Sand Sculpture Event. I finished my review of Cinder, book one in The Lunar Chronicles. And I’ve made more progress with my WIP. Summer has also brought quite a few bird residences to our house: Chimney swifts make their nest in the old retired chimney, and it’s so cute to watch the hatchlings’ first flight. A mother turkey brings her chicks through the field almost every day, along with a doe and her spirited twins. And a pair of flycatchers are raising young under the barn. Okay, so I like birds, can’t you tell? Probably because I’ve always dreamed that having a pair of real wings would be the coolest thing ever! 😀 (blame it on the books I read as a kid). 😉

This post is part of the Monthly Wrap-up Round-up link up by Feed Your Fiction Addiction!


Writing Progress: the dastardly behemoth WIP

I am now 10 pages away from finishing Draft #4! After so many revisions, this dastardly behemoth of a novel has finally been tamed and become obedient. I do have one last round of revising I’d like to do though before I send it off to beta readers (hopefully October-December, somewhere in between there). Stay tuned, dear readers!

The #BlogBattle

The serial series Madnes Solver has been posting twice a month, according to the BlogBattle’s new schedule. The story is currently going through The Floating Isles Arc. I missed last Tuesday’s due to the July 4th weekend and Silmarillion Awards going on at once (sorry about that!).

Happenings On The Blog

The Silmarillion Awards! Where YOU the readers have been voting for your favorite titles in fantasy to win a series of Silmaril Awards. I’m hosting the Best Fantasy Weapon Award, here, on the blog this year, and it’s been great reading everybody’s choices in the comments. And my TBR list has grown quite a bit because of it! 🙂 As of last week, we are voting between the Top 5 Nominees to decide who will win the ultimate 1st prize and Silmaril Award for Best Weapon in Fantasy books! Hop on over there and vote on the linked form to see your favorite of the 5 win!

I had intended to write up a Behind The Scenes post: to talk about my WIP’s progress and more about the story itself, including a reveal of its “new title,” but time is a valuable and fleeting thing that I just can’t seem to find enough of lately. This blog’s Blogiversary is this month, too, but I’ll have to save that and the Title Reveal for a later date. I’ll be away the first week of August (visiting relatives), so I’m hoping that late August I’ll be able to get to one or both of these things. We shall see!

Note: Those who subscribe to my writerly Newsletter will get a first look at the new Title and a special written piece from the V.Chronicles series!

Some noteworthy and fun posts this month have been:


Currently reading: Making Money by Terry Prachett. I’ve really been enjoying it, the sense of humor and wit is non-stop and just as good as the previous book, Going Postal!

Book reviews I hope to get to this month:

  • Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
  • Making Money by TP

I will probably post the reviews just on Goodreads, this time. I hope you’ll follow along with me there! 🙂


Kung Fu Panda 3, Jack Black, June, Tigress, Viper, Crane, Master Shifu, master Oogway, action, adventure, CGI movie, Dreamworks, film, movie, China, kung fu, martial arts, pandas, black, white, cute, fun movie, awesomeness,

So I watched older movies this time, and only one new release which was Kung Fu Panda 3. I’m happy to say that the third installment was waaay better than the second, and reminded me of the humor and charm that I’d first loved in the first film. The heart of the story was a unique one I don’t always see, about how to become a teacher and role model to those who look up to you, as Po tries to take the next step to being the Dragon Warrior. I recommend watching it. 🙂 (the baby pandas are adorable!)

The Prestige, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Christopher Nolen, action, thriller, movie, magicians, fantasy, suspense, mystery, amreading, mustread, best read, blogging, blogger, reader, adventure,

Older movies were: Terminator Genisys, which was surprisingly the best I’ve seen in a long time in that series! The story and pace were great, as they went back in time and altered things that happened in the previous movies (it can get confusing though, so be prepared). The Prestige, which was a mind twister about two battling magicians that kept you guessing. It started out rough, but as the story progressed the plot grew tricky and serious. The ending has a twist you won’t see coming! If you like action, suspense, thrillers, and don’t mind movie violence, then you might like these!


  • July 16 is the reveal for Best Fantasy Weapon
  • More Madnes Solver
  • Behind the Scenes post late August
  • Blogiversary in August
  • And whatever else time allows!

You can always press the “Follow” button to be notified whenever a new blog post is posted. 🙂

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How was your June? Any plans for July?

To keep up-to-date with all of my news and writing projects, please also follow my author Newsletter. 🙂

23 thoughts on “My June Happenings, 2016 #monthlywrapup #booknerd #authorblog

  1. Nice post! 🙂 My plans for July? Finish my novel! Maybe secure some editing/proofreading work? And finish up the short story serial I’ve just started with the first ebook: Iron Blood. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I just watched Terminator Genisys the other day! It was pretty good. I haven’t seen T2 or T3 though, so those are on the to-watch-at-some-point-list. 🙂
    My July plans are to survive the last four weeks of school. *panics at number of things to still do*

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would have been lost if I hadn’t seen T2 and T3 before. Yeah, the movie is way better after seeing the whole series, but it’s still a good movie in and of itself too. You should definitely see the whole series though! 🙂
      I will pack you a school survival kit. There will be lots of magical energy bars to give you that extra boost. 😉
      You will survive~ You will survive~ (okay, that song is in my head now) XD

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I can’t wait to see the winners for the Silmarillion Awards! 😀
    And yay for writing! That’s so amazing that you’re almost done with your ‘behemoth novel’, as you call it. 😉 Can’t wait to hear more about it. ^_^

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for the update! It’s fun to hear of the wildlife you see daily, and it reminded me to be more aware of the critters around my own home, too. This morning, I was making a corn-maze with a local farm, and there were all these cute toads in there! On my way home, I almost hit a little weasel with a snake in its mouth… those things were fun, but other than that, I haven’t been observing the wildlife enough.

    I personally can’t wait for August to come. 🙂 Not only that, I can’t wait for the final draft at the end of this year! You’ve been working so hard on your revisions of the “behemoth.”

    I’m definitely going to check out the Lunar Chronicles & Kung Fu Panda 3 because of your recommendations. Also–the Prestige is such a good movie. I haven’t watched it for a long time. Terry Pratchett is always two thumbs up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jensineee! 😀 Yeah, wildlife is something I grew up paying attention too. I was a first-rate amateur birdwatcher as a kid, after all. 😉 hehe.
      Ooh, I love little toads and frogs! I just caught a tree frog that was singing its heart out in our tree last night, lol!
      I’ve yet to see a weasel, that’s cool!
      YES, I can’t wait for August! Two more weeks!! 🙂
      I will be so glad when the dastardly behemoth is polished and all-shiny finished! I can’t wait to let you all start reading it! *squeals*
      Kung Fu Panda is the cutest thing. The baby pandas…I want to cuddle a baby panda now. ❀ I think you'll like that movie. 🙂 And Cinder is a great YA read. I'll send you the link!


  5. Wow, you’re almost done with Draft #4?? When did you start? It seemed to go pretty quickly – but that’s not a bad thing!

    Ooooh, I really like The Prestige, so I’m glad you did, too. It’s very clever, like most of Christopher Nolan’s movies are. Have you seen Inception or his Batman / Dark Knight films with Christian Bale?

    Any idea what you might do to celebrate the upcoming blogoversary?

    My plans for the rest of July include another weekend trip to Cape Cod, Josh Groban and Sarah McLachlan’s concert on the 30th, and relaxing / editing in between.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I guess it did go quickly, though while I was working through it it felt long, haha. Okay, I checked the date of my last Behind the Scenes post, and I finished Draft #3 in March, so…WOW, I finished Draft #4 in 4 1/2 months?!!! That’s a new record for me! *jumps up and down happily*

      Yes, Inception was sooo cool. And the ending…I’m still not sure how to interpret it!

      For the blogoversary, I’m thinking of doing what you and Tori did, and answer questions from people here on the blog. 🙂

      Ooh, I hope the concerts were great! Lucky you. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nice! So what are your next plans for the manuscript?

        I think the end of Inception is meant to leave us guessing. Is it still a dream? Is it not? We won’t ever know for sure. 😉

        Cool! I’ll keep a lookout for anything blogoversary related, then.

        The concert is tomorrow night, actually. Sarah is opening for Josh, so they’re playing at the same show. Really looking forward to it – but at the same time, it’s hard to believe it’s happening tomorrow! (I think I’m going to be saying something to that effect all August long, as the NYC trip comes closer and then my friend’s wedding.)

        Liked by 1 person

        • One more draft and then I should be ready to send it off to friends and beta readers. 🙂
          Yes, it is supposed to. I just can’t stand loose ends like that, lol.
          I just got back from vacation yesterday, so I’m far behind on comments and posts. I’m going to be catching up all this week. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m glad you had a less crazy month this month! And sand sculpting sounds so fun! I still like building sand castles. XD Here’s to a great July!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So close! Best of luck on finishing those last ten pages!! 🙂

    The Silmarillion Awards are adding a lot of books to my TBR too!

    Time is indeed a valuable and fleeting thing, of which I’m having trouble finding enough of, myself, lately. 😉

    I really want to read Going Postal! I’ve only read one Pratchett so far but I’m very intrigued to try more…

    Ooh, Kung Fu Panda 3 sounds fun! 🙂

    *is now intrigued by The Prestige*

    Really excited about the Silmarillion Award winners! 😀

    Fun post, great to see what you’re up to! Hope you have a fabulous rest-of-July and August! And happy early blogoversary! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I finally finished them!!! I’m on Draft #5!
      Going Postal is the first Pratchett book I’ve read, and I loved it! I think you’d enjoy it. 🙂
      Thank you, Deborah! Blogoversaries come so soon and unexpected, haha. I’ll have to celebrate it later on. 🙂
      Hope you have a great July-August too! ^_^

      Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s so exciting that you’re so close to the end of draft 4 of your novel. It must feel so good to see it growing and becoming something amazing. 🙂 (As I’m sure it is). I’m looking forward to reading/hearing more about it.

    I really need to catch up with the Kung Fu Panda series. I loved the first, but haven’t gotten around to watching the second, or third. I really want to see those baby pandas!

    My plans for July include writing, worldbuilding, and outlining. The rewrite is slowly coming together! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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