Now is the FINAL VOTE for Best Fantasy Weapon 2016 #SilmarillionAward!

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The last vote begins now! For the past two weeks booklovers and fantasy readers have been nominating and voting for the best fantasy weapons, and today all of those votes are in! Here are the 5 top nominees who will now battle it out for 1st place for this year’s Best Fantasy Weapon Silmaril Award!

Peter’s sword Rhindon from The Chronicles of Narnia

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Susan’s bow, also from Narnia

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Excaliber from Le Morte D’Arthur

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Blood Biter’s Wrath, AKA the Beanpole from Goldstone Wood

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Martin the Warrior’s sword from the Redwall series

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 And now it’s up to YOU, dear readers, to decide which of these fabulous weapon nominees will win first place! Please VOTE in the form linked below:


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9 thoughts on “Now is the FINAL VOTE for Best Fantasy Weapon 2016 #SilmarillionAward!

  1. Omg how am I supposed to choose between SUSAN AND PETER THOUGH?!? AHHHH. Okay, I gotta go Susan. XD Just because she’s epic and her bow is awesome and her hair is also awesome, so that much awesome deserves my vote. :’)

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s so hard to choose, I agree! The bow is really epic though!
      Just checking, but did you use the form I linked to vote? I probably should have mentioned it in the post, but this round we’re voting through the form I linked to, instead of through comments.
      Thanks for dropping in, Cait! 🙂


  2. I’m having such a hard time choosing who to vote for in most of the categories! This one is a tiny bit easier, though, and I think I’ll have to with a certain beanpole. 😉 (Though Susan’s bow and Peter’s sword come close for me.)

    Liked by 1 person

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