Hampton Beach, Sand Sculpture Event!

 Last weekend me and my family went on a trip to Hampton Beach, where the annual Sand Sculpture Event is held. These works of art each year range from the very strange to the philosophical to the endearing and pure fun!

I thought I’d share some of the photos I took of this year’s event with you. And before you ask, I don’t always understand the meaning behind certain sculptures, haha. 😉
Click on any image to get a close-up view.

The winner this year was “Up from the abyss” (below):

Every year nearby restaurants and businesses will add a scuplture to the mix, so here are the ones they made; including Mc Donalds (the lobster) and Coca Cola (the mermaid):

And here are my favorites 😀 :

These last ones are a tribute to the beach event itself and to Charlotte Preston:

This last one is a cute, little extra. I think they used it to test out the sand quality before building the bigger projects:

sand castle, head, Hampton Beach, NH, sand sculptures, sand art, art, castles, beach, fun, adventure, travel, journey, authorblog, blogseries, writer, author, booknerd, nerd, books, fantasy, mustread, storytelling, blue, white, high-five, waves, ocean, sea, story, blogger, book blog, dream,

A castle of sand and a random head, lol! 😀

Here’s me high-fiving the stone fish!

Hampton Beach, sand sculptures, sand art, art, castles, beach, fun, adventure, travel, journey, authorblog, blogseries, writer, author, booknerd, nerd, books, fantasy, mustread, storytelling, blue, white, high-five, waves, ocean, sea, story, blogger, book blog, dream,

So this was my #weeklysmile from last weekend. I am sad to say though that all of these beautiful sculptures were vandalized soon after. The thousands of people who come here every year to see them were robbed of enjoying this event and the hard work the artists put into it.

For more photos, visit Hampton Beach’s facebook page. And to see the previous years’ winners, see their webister here. The artwork on some of these is AMAZING.

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#WeeklySmile is a weekly link-up event hosted by Trent McDonald, with the purpose of helping us remember the more positive things that happen in life and to help spread the smiles around.

© copyright 2015-2016 E. E. Rawls and Rawls E. Fantasy

28 thoughts on “Hampton Beach, Sand Sculpture Event!

  1. Some pretty cool sand sculptures! Do you live in NH? I do but I’m pretty far from the coast – about 15 miles west of Nashua. Typical when I go to the beach I’m on the Cape, but of course having a cottage there makes me visit there more often…. Don’t forget to add this to the weekly smile link up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice photos! There was a similar sand sculpture event in Yarmouth this weekend (I was visiting my parents, so I got to see a few of them as we drove around). It’s amazing what people can do with them from an artistic perspective, and also sad that other people showed a complete lack of respect for that art by vandalizing the sculptures at Hampton Beach. :/

    My weekly smile was visiting Mom and Dad (and Younger Brother) on the Cape again. We celebrated Dad’s birthday, visited Heritage Museums & Gardens, and watched fireworks on the beach. Just a wonderful weekend overall. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! They wouldn’t let us get any closer, but I’m still glad the photos are good. What did the ones in Yarmouth look like? I still need to visit Heritage Museumss & Gardens one of these days, preferably when the gardens are at their prettiest. 🙂 That sounds like a lovely weekend, Sara.

      Liked by 1 person

      • One was shaped in the head of a golf club. (It was in front of a local resort with a golf course.) I forget the second one… And my parents saw one this past weekend on Bass River Beach that I hope is still “standing” the next time I visit them. It’s a dragon with a boy riding it!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. OMG THAT’S AMAZING!!! I can barely build an average sandcastle so I’m just in awe of people who do sculptures like this. ❤ (That's super sad they get ruined so soon afterwards though. Gah. Humans can be so inconsiderate.)

    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me too!! My sand castles NEVER stayed up, lol! Yeah, it’s sad how thoughtless and inconsiderate some people can be. I hope next year’s will be more secure so it doesn’t happen again.
      Thanks for stopping by, Cait! 🙂


  4. I loved these sand sculptures and thank you for sharing. They’re so clever! My weeky smile was about buying a vintage feather bed which reminded me of my grandmother. I also posted an amazing sunset I photographed. It was out of this world!
    xx Rowena

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome! 🙂 A vintage feather bed, I’d love to have one of those. That’s great! Ooh, I’ll go look for that sunset photo now.
      Thanks for dropping in, Rowena! x


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