How I Read, Book Tag

Fellow blogger Trisha Ann tagged me for this questionnaire (a long while back) and it’s all about books and reading, so you know I had to do it! 🙂 Time for some rambles on reading!

cat, kitten, reading, book, ramble, cat fun, cute, book love, bookish, animal, am reading, book nerd, fluffy, animals reading, glasses,

How do you find out about new books to read?

By word of mouth, but mostly I discover new reads through book blogs I follow, and reviews from fellow writers and readers online whose taste in books is similar to mine. If they post about how much they loved a book, I’m going to rush over to Goodreads and investigate it! 🙂

How did you get into reading?

At an early age, my mother would read me bedtime stories and make up some of her own. Reading became a fun companion and entertainment for me through the years since, especially as my family moved from place to place. My love for reading is what soon developed my love for writing, and why I eventually wrote Strayborn.

cute, cat, kitten, kitty, book, reading, amreading, book nerd, book love, bookish, animals reading, fluffy, adorable, baby animals,

How has your taste in books changed as you’ve gotten older?

I used to only read MG or animal-oriented books, but since being introduced to LOTR, The Hobbit and Narnia, I read stacks of Science Fiction and Fantasy works, and recently YAs like The Lunar Chronicles!

I am currently reading The Night Circus, and am loving the detailed and dreamy descriptions! (That circus clock is unlike anything else, you know?) It’s been a magical ride reading through the pages, so far. You can follow my progress on Goodreads at this link, if you like. 🙂

cat gif, kitten, kitty, cute animals, reading, books, book nerd, book love, am reading, bookish, cute, cuddly, fluffy, cute animals, felines,

How often do you buy books?

Is it bad that for all of my Christmas presents I only ask for books? 😉 I stock up on as many as I can over the holidays and my Birthday, just like a squirrel stocks up on acorns, and then I spend the rest of the year reading through and enjoying my stashed pile!

How did you get into book reviewing?

When I decided to become a writer and author! I wanted to help out other authors by posting reviews, and it soon became a great way to share my favorite reads with fellow readers through this blog and my Goodreads account. I love connecting with others over a good book!

kitten, cat, adorable, fluffy animals, cute cat, reading, books, library, shelves, lamp, book love, book nerd, bookish, amreading,

How do you react when you don’t like the ending of a book?

I get sad, like “don’t touch me or talk to me” sad! Lol, j/k, it used to be dramatic when I was young, but now I clear away the sorrow with: 1) chocolate, 2) a hot cup of coffee, and 3) moving on to the next book or a good TV show, forgetting about the book ending woes. 🙂

How often do you take a sneak peek at the ending to see if there’s a happy ending?

Never! The story would be ruined for me! However, there is an exception: If I’m planning not to finish a book, whether because I couldn’t get into the story or something else, then I might peek at the ending—just to know what happens to some of the characters, or to see if the book is worth finishing, after all.

Fun questions! How would you answer them?
If you have a blog or FB account and would like to do this tag, consider yourself nominated! Just link back to this post and let us know so we can read your answers.

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15 thoughts on “How I Read, Book Tag

  1. Awwwww, I love all the bookish cat GIFs! They’re adorable. Though the one with the military strategy book looks a bit shifty to me. 😉

    So glad to hear you’re enjoying The Night Circus! I’ve actually been re-reading it recently for my next DIY MFA post on literary themes, so it’s been nice to revisit Le Cirque and all its performers and exhibits.

    Like you, I find out about new books through blogs, social media, and the Internet in general. And if something looks good, I’ll check out reviews from sources or readers I trust, or investigate on Goodreads. As for endings… I don’t remember what I do when I don’t like how a book ends. I think I just frown or feel disappointed for a while, then move on to the next book? :S

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha, he is a bit shifty, I agree! 😉
      The Night Circus is a unique one. The author did a brilliant job of pulling the many different scenes and time-jumps together.
      Internet has probably become the top way of finding new books these days. 🙂 Goodreads is such a useful source, I don’t know how I ever managed without it!
      Yes, moving on to the next book sounds good to me, too. Have you run into any bad book endings this past month?

      Liked by 1 person

      • It sounds like you finished The Night Circus, then…? And it also sounds like you liked it…? 🙂

        Same here. Between book blogs, social media, and the Publishers Weekly newsletter I subscribe to, online is how I learn about new books now, too. (I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case for most people now.)

        Hmmmm… I haven’t run into any bad book endings lately. This fall has actually been an amazing stretch reading-wise. But I did DNF two books because they weren’t doing much for me.

        Liked by 1 person

        • The Night Circus is a longer book than I’d thought, and the writing style makes me read it slower…but I am drawing towards the last several chapters now!
          Ah, the dreaded DNF. At least it was only two books. I’m curious, which ones? (you can email me, if you’d prefer)

          Liked by 1 person

          • Keep at it. The Night Circus really is a lovely story, but you have to read the whole thing to see how all of the plot threads tie in together. 😉

            I’ll mention the DNFs here, since I don’t have a lot of time for emails with Christmas coming next week… They were Tad Williams’ Shadowmarch, Morgan Rhodes’ Falling Kingdoms, and Jen Williams’ The Copper Promise. The first two were because I didn’t like any of the POV characters after 100 or so pages, and I couldn’t get over the episodic feel of the third one. (TCP was originally four separate novellas compiled into a novel, so that might have been why…)

            Liked by 1 person

            • I finished it! And well worth it too, such an enchanting read.
              Oh yes, I was curious about Shadowmarch and Falling Kingdoms but wasn’t sure if they were a right fit for me. How many POV characters were there? I’m usually okay if I find one character POV I like, but if none are working for me, DNF time. :/

              Liked by 1 person

              • I don’t recall how many POVs there were in Shadowmarch. I only got 70 pages through before I stopped reading… But I don’t remember liking most of the characters, and the tone was weirdly lighthearted for a book that’s considered dark epic fantasy…

                Falling Kingdoms had four POV characters: two boys, and two girls, all between the ages of 16 and 18. But my problems with that book were the writing (too much modern slang and terminology for a long-ago epic fantasy) and the lack of originality (I felt like I’d already read other fantasy books, both YA and adult, that were too similar to it).

                Liked by 1 person

  2. Cats and books! Two of my favorite things! I do the same thing with Christmas and birthdays. I ask for a lot of books to stockpile haha. XD

    Liked by 1 person

  3. These are great answers! 🙂
    Ooh, you’re reading The Night Circus? I’ve been curious about that one…Will you be posting a review of some sort of Goodreads?
    Haha, I do the same thing with only asking for books for Christmas. XD My Mom gets annoyed because I don’t have anything else on my list. But really, books are clearly the best gift out there. 😉
    Also, A+ on the cat gifs. I love them all! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Madeline!
      Sure thing, I’m posting every review I write on Goodreads! I’m past halfway through The Night Circus now, so hopefully I’ll get a review up this December. 🙂 So far it’s very enchanting and different than anything I’ve read before.
      Yay for book gifts!!! It really is the best. 🙂
      I couldn’t resist adding them, they are too cute! Thanks. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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