Updates and April 2016 #writing #reading #blogging

Rawls E Fantasy, Reminiscing, fantasy, authorblog, blogseries, reading, adventure, epic fantasy series, YA, MG, new author, new series, blogger, booklover, mustread, elves, dragons, fairies, fae, vampires, goblins, mystery,


It has been a LONG time since my last monthly update post, and there are several reasons for that. Back in December, my grandfather passed away over Christmas and it was a difficult time for me, my family and relatives. We were all very close to him. He was a wonderful person, and I look forward to the day when I’ll see him again in heaven.

Then a few months later, when I was finally getting back into the swing of things, I fell and fractured my foot. After a lot of pain, limping around, and frustration, it’s finally getting better now after 6 weeks. I’m wearing a brace, and some days are worse than others, but it’s improving. With spring here though, I want to run outside, smell the flowers, have fun without limping about. *sigh* I’m still going to enjoy the season as best I can though; I won’t let it hold me back! *determined face*

So those are the reasons why monthly update posts and other things fell silent until now. April really helped get me back in gear though, with the A-Z Challenge. 🙂 Okay, so here is what’s been going on and will be going on in the blog and in the writing lane! This post is also a part of the Monthly Wrap-up Round-up link up!


WIP “V. Chronicles” Progress

I’m on page 70 of 237 on my 8×11 Word doc! Yay! So far Draft #4 has been about making scenes and paragraphs flow smoothly, fixing the disjointed bits, and deleting unnecessary descriptions and clutter. I am “sweeping up the dust” so to speak.

I’ll discuss it more in a Behind the Scenes post sometime this month.

The #BlogBattle

The serial series Madnes Solver will now post only twice a month, according to the BlogBattle’s new schedule. But to fill in the void on off weeks, I’ll post something fun on Wednesdays, so you’ll always have something good to read when you drop by!

The story is now entering its newest arc: The Floating Isles Arc! To keep up-to-date with all of my news and writing projects, follow the Newsletter.

On The Blog

All of April was the huge A-Z blog challenge! My theme was legends and legendary creatures from around the world. I chose obscure and interesting ones that I thought most people hadn’t heard of (they were new to me too!), and it was a ton of fun! I put together a list of all of the posts on a page, so you can revisit or catch up on those you missed:

Legends and Legendary Creatures, the A-Z List!

Noteworthy and fun posts this month have been


I have three book reviews to write! They will be:

  • Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin
  • Cinder by Marissa Meyer
  • Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Stay tuned. 😉

Some Articles I Found Interesting/Fun

Time was tight this month, but I did find some inspiring, informative, or simply fun pieces:

Writers, Prepare to be Wrong
U is for Unrequited Love
The Next Layer of Dialogue: Body Language
Ask a Writer: Villains vs. Antagonists vs. Antiheroes – What’s the Difference and Does it Matter?


I didn’t see many movies this month (surprisingly), but one I did watch was John Carter. I didn’t see it when it first came out because of all the negative reviews and odd trailers. But two friends finally convinced me to give it a chance. And you know what? I actually liked it!
Sure, it wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t bad either, and had fun characters and an interesting world. I’d be glad for a sequel!

Have you seen it yet?


#WeeklySmile: I plan to join in this meme soon, I’m thinking on Mondays, to give us all something positive to think about as our week begins.

#BlogBattle: Every other Tuesday now. Next one is May 10.

#ReadWriteLiving: A new series about anything to do with reading and/or writing and life, on Wednesdays. 😉

#FishingForAnswers: I’d like to start this back up again for a few Fridays.

#RonovansWeeklyHaikus: I’ve been away so long, I need to get back into my Saturday haiku groove!

How was your April? Any plans for May?

Learn more about me, WIPs, and things not on the blog by becoming one of my Reader peeps!
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35 thoughts on “Updates and April 2016 #writing #reading #blogging

  1. Sorry to hear about your foot! I’m glad it’s healing, but it must be frustrating to feel so confined by an injury at this time of year. (Although here in the MA, the weather’s been dreary and crummy this week…)

    I still applaud you for doing (and surviving!) A To Z last month. And the fact that doing the challenge helped you get back into the blogging swing of things after a tough start to the year is very, very good. 🙂 Also, nice to hear that progress on the V Chronicles is coming along.

    Ooooh, I look forward to your reviews on Wolf By Wolf (which I need to read before its sequel comes out in September) and Cinder!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is confining. 😦 I finally pushed myself and went out last Saturday to view the flowers downtown, and that was fun, though I couldn’t do as much as I would’ve liked.
      It’s been a dreary and cold spring so far here; only a rare warm day now and then. :/
      Thank you! It was the push I needed. 🙂
      I’m thinking of posting the reviews on several Wednesdays!

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s good that you were able to get out of the house. It’s a step in the right direction.

        We’re having a very similar spring to yours. (Then again, NH and MA aren’t that far from each other. *winks*) This week in particular has been cool, raw, and dreary. But it’s supposed to brighten and warm up next week, so I hope that forecast holds up.

        Yay! Which review do you think you’ll post first?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Haha, true! I think that, typically, you guys have it warmer though (which tempts me more and more to move there!). This reminds me, I heard a story on the news that back in the 1800s there was a year in New England where there was NO summer. The Year of No Summer, they called it. 😦 If that happens, I’m flying south with the birds. I need my summer! XD
          Wolf by Wolf will be first! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry to hear about your grandfather. Please accept my condolences.
    Ouch. I feel your foot pain. A bit of nasty. Hope you’re back good as new soon.
    Busy. Busy. I worn out reading your list of upcoming treats. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry to hear about your grandfather, and your foot – it sounds as though you’ve had a not-so-good start to the year.
    I hope you feel much better soon, and I’m enjoying your A-Z posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Helen. It’s been a rough start. Not what I was expecting from this new year, but then I guess no one ever expects these sorts of things. I’ve been much better this week though. And my grandmother is doing okay, though she will continue to miss him.
      I’m so glad you’re enjoying the Legends post series! I linked it to the Menu tab under Rambling Pettirosso so it’ll be easy for people to find. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh cool! You’re reading Cinder too! I just finished it. ^ ^ And I liked John Carter. I didn’t think it was bad. The first half of April was pretty good then it tanked. 😛 And I’m still recovering from the aftermath of it, but I did win Camp NaNo and finished editing one of my books. 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m very sorry about your grandfather. 😦 And also your foot. Much sadness…but glad to hear your foot is on the mend!
    And yay for good books and movies! I haven’t seen John Carter but I’ve heard my dad vaguely talk about it being good??! hehe. I really don’t watch much movies! I get distracted by BOOKS SO MUCH.
    Also congrats on your fourth draft of your book!! *cheers*
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Cait. I’m glad it’s been mending. 🙂
      John Carter is worth a watch. I think you would like it, some day when you feel like a movie! 🙂 IKR? So little time for everything out there!
      And thanks!! How is yours coming along?
      Thank you for stopping by, Cait!


  6. Sorry about your foot — ugh, that sounds annoying. o.o Hope it finishes mending soon! Wow, so much blogging! :O I’m impressed. 😉 Sounds like you had a busy month! I’d be interested to read those reviews… Congrats on editing progress! that’s always a plus! 😀 I know May’s already half over, but I hope the rest of the month will be a great one for you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Deborah! It’s getting there. ^_^ It was a crazy month for blogging, haha! I just posted one of the reviews today: Wolf by Wolf. 🙂
      Thank you, it’s been well so far. I hope you have a good rest of the month too!
      Thank you for reading and commenting. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I am finally catching up on commenting on everyone’s posts, so I’m way behind . . .

    So sorry to hear about your foot, on top of everything! I know how that goes.

    Thanks so much for linking to my post!! I’m kind of surprised that people actually read the whole thing – I know I felt like I was droning on forever, lol.

    I’m actually heading over to read your Wolf by Wolf review next. I hope that your May has been better, and that your foot is feeling better!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Rebekah! My foot is much better now. Just a bit off, but at least I can go for a walk now, yay!

      The way you write your posts keeps me reading, even if they’re long. I think you have a gift for blogging. 🙂

      Ohmygoodness, I loved Wolf by Wolf!

      May has been better, so far. I hope your May has turned out good too?


  8. So sorry to hear of your grandfather’s passing and on top of that your foot being injured isn’t the greatest entrance to the nw year but I’m hoping May has been better for you.

    I loved your theme for the A-Z challenge, it was such a unique idea and sounds like a lot of fun to be a part of. Your writing seems to be going good too so congrats on that!

    It’s so cool that your reading Cinder as it’s up the top of my TBR list so I’m hoping it’s as great as the positive reviews make it out to be.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Alecia. May has been better. And I’m finally walking normally, there’s just a little discomfort, so I’m glad of that.

      I’m glad you loved the A-Z Challenge theme! It was well worth the work and effort. I had fun with it. 🙂
      Thank you!

      I loved Cinder! I plan to review it in a few weeks. The writing style wasn’t my absolute favorite, but I could easily ignore that because I enjoyed the story and characters so much. Cinder is my favorite character of the Lunar Chronicles series so far! If you like fairytale retellings, then I think you’ll enjoy Cinder. 🙂

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Alecia!


  9. I’m deeply sorry to hear of your loss, my thoughts are with you and your family ❤ Also sorry to hear about your foot! At least by now I'm sure it's it's recovered.

    Well done on your writing, it seems like it's paying off which is always a good thing to see. I hope your enjoying it!

    There were some great posts that I've loved reading about from last month (and this month). Hope all is well for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi, Debbie! Thank you, my family is doing alright, but my mother and grandmother still feel the pain of loss. I know only time can heal.
      My foot is much better now, thank you. 🙂
      I am enjoying writing/revising, even if I’m rather slow at it. It’s nice to see the story improve with each edit!
      I’m so glad to hear that! It makes all the effort I put into posts worthwhile. ❤ How is your May going so far?


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