Haiku: Waking Up

My haiku for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge–a fun activity and contest that is open for everyone to participate, and helps keep our creative writer’s mind active! This week’s words are: Think & Fresh. I have 2 haikus this week! I hope you enjoy them.

“Waking Up”

She steps out to think

Breathing in the fresh morning,

Lacey wings unfurl.


“Which One?”

Freshly baked bread is

The most delicious, I think,

A chocolate world.

In the first haiku I imagine a fairy or some little creature with wings waking up to the dawn’s light, her mind still heavy with sleep (same as some of us humans 😉 ), so she goes outside and breathes in the morning air to wake herself up and get her mind thinking clearly.

In the second haiku I ponder which of my favorite foods I like better: fresh bread, soft on the inside and crunchy delicious on the outside, or chocolate (a world made of chocolate is a delicious dream only Willy Wonka could make come true!). Both are such wonderful things, I can’t decide between the two. 🙂 Can you? What are your favorite foods?

© 2015 E. Rawls   Newsletter

How to read a haiku:

She steps out to think, Breathing in the fresh morning.

Breathing in the fresh morning, Lacey wings unfurl.

9 thoughts on “Haiku: Waking Up

  1. Lovely. I love them both equally for different reasons. The first is so delicate, and brings some wonderful imagery to mind. The second, well, a chocolate world? I’m there with bells on. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A chocolate world. Yes, let’s go there, please. 🙂 And I agree with Phoenix, the first one is delicate and matches the lighthearted, ethereal personality we’ve come to know from fairies. Nice job this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad you like them as much as I do. ^_^ Thanks! I’m trying to catch up on things on the blog, and I’ll be writing a monthly update some time this week before I send the newsletter out. 🙂

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