6 Tips: Bring Your Book Back from the Doldrums

Is your book in a slump? Are you in a slump? The book isn’t selling and you’re stuck on what you should do?

Then read on, dear friend, this post is for you!

“Six Tips to Bring Your Book Back from the Doldrums”

An excerpt from the official blog for Smashwords, by Mark Coker

A few times each month, I’ll receive a plaintive email from an author asking me why their book isn’t selling better.

It’s always tough to receive these emails, because I know behind the email is an author who’s feeling disappointed, or possibly depressed their years of effort have borne no fruit. The impossibly of answering such a question makes it all the tougher. There’s no one single magic bullet.

Some of the authors who contact me are considering throwing in the towel. I always try to respond with some feedback that might set them on the right course, often by encouraging them to study the best practices of their fellow authors, as I chronicle in The Smashwords Book Marketing Guide and The Secrets to Ebook Publishing Success. Sometimes my feedback is well-received, and other times they’re offended when I share opinions they don’t want to hear.

The cold hard truth of the matter – which we advertise front and center in our account registration emails, the FAQ, the about us page, and in my free ebooks about e-publishing – is that most books don’t sell well. Period.

In my RT Booklovers presentation last year, I shared some…

Read the full article here…

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