The nominations are in: cast your final vote for The Silmaril Awards 2020!

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Who will win Least Competent Henchman, Most Epic Hero, Most Epic Heroin, and more? The top 5 nominees for each of the Silmaril Awards categories have been gathered, and now await your final decision!

Here is the link to the voting form:

Cast your vote to decide who will be the victorious winners of 2020!

The top 5 nominees for Least Competent Henchman (award to be held here on the blog) are:

White Witch’s Dwarf (unnamed) from the Chronicles of Narnia
Slarb from Wingfeather Saga by Andrew Peterson
General Khrak from The Wingfeather Saga
Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter
The Dufflepuds from Voyage of the Dawn Treader

12 thoughts on “The nominations are in: cast your final vote for The Silmaril Awards 2020!

  1. Ooooh man. Narnia characters AND an HP characters. This is going to be HARD! D: I feel like they’re all very deserving of the title of Least Competent Henchman. Lololol. XD

    Liked by 1 person

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