Show off your work’s progress with these lovely Progress Bars:

progress bars, am writing, writer tool, blogger, blog tool, writing progress, book progress, author blog, reading progress, books,

And this includes users! In fact, the whole point is that they can be used on sites and give your blog or website a fun and lovely look. Here are the ones currently available in my Etsy shop: (click on an image to go to it’s Etsy page)

progress bars, for writers, widgets, progress widget, website tool, book tools, writer tools, writer help, blog tool, for bloggers, for writers, writing progress, make pretty blog,progress bar, book progress, writing progress, work progress blog, website tool, pretty blog,progress bar, coffee, book progress, writing progress

The story of how they came about, why I made them:

When I started revising the draft of my novel Strayborn, I wanted a cool widget that would show my writing progress on the sidebar of my website . I went on a search, but everything that was pretty, or cool, and had special features, used Javascript or some other thing that doesn’t allow. In the end, what I did find was a simple one color bar that showed percentages, and after a while, it stopped working. My frustration flared.

I got to thinking how I could make my own progress bar, and so instead of using fancy code, I just made a series of images that together made up a full bar. I uploaded the final 11 images into my site’s Media, and now I just click on whichever image represents my current % progress and upload it as an “image widget” on the sidebar. Presto! Done!

Right away, people started emailing me about where I’d gotten the cool progress bar on my site, and that’s when it hit me that I could help out other users who are looking for cooler, better progress bars! And that’s what I did:

I created several of these progress bars, available now on Etsy, that you can use on any website (including woot!) to showcase your project’s progress with all your friends and followers on your site. Whether you’re a reader showing how far along  in a book you are, or a writer showing your writing progress, or a blogger who wants to show the progress of your current goal!


If people like them and buy them, I can design more. Please share this post around to your friends and anyone you think might like these via the social media buttons below:


15 thoughts on “Show off your work’s progress with these lovely Progress Bars:

  1. Reblogged this on and commented:
    Omg, look at these gorgeous Progress Bras, how amazing and cool are they?
    She finally listened and made this cute bars that can be used on any website and… (wait for it)… on how amazing is this!
    I am putting this on my blog as soon as I can 😀 It can be used for anything you want, not just your WIP progress, or Nano wordcount, but also as any project goal you have, it’s amazing for any blogger, writer and anyone with a site and… The prices are amazing 😱🎉 Go snag yourself a beautiful, elegant and one has even a dragon on it, how cool is she for doing these for us?
    Go check them out and thank you for making these 💕

    Liked by 1 person

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