Haikus: Release & Kung Fu

My haikus for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge–a fun activity and contest that is open for everyone to participate, and helps keep our creative writer’s mind active! This week’s words are: Trill & Final.

At the whistle’s trill
She released the sleek arrow,
Final breath taken.
“Kung Fu”
The panda stepped forth
Gong trilling the final round,
Po raises his fists.

*”Kung Fu” in celebration of the new movie Kung Fu Panda 3 release! I’ve been a fan ever since the 1st movie came out, and I’m hoping the 3rd will be just as good. 🙂 Have you seen either movie yet?

© 2015 Rawls E. Fantasy  Newsletter

How to read a haiku as 2 separate sentences:
At the whistle’s trill She released the sleek arrow,
She released the sleek arrow, Final breath taken.

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Fantasy poems, imaginative short stories, and tricky riddles:



11 thoughts on “Haikus: Release & Kung Fu

  1. The first one evokes a wonderful image. Love it. And yes, I have seen, and love Kung Fu Panda. Brilliant film. Good haiku to celebrate the new one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay for archery poems! 🙂 It reminds me of shooting for score, since the buzzer goes off to signal each phase of each round (when to line up, when to start shooting, and when to stop shooting).

    Um… I haven’t watched Kung Fu Panda yet…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I used to practice archery, so this was a fun reminder. 🙂 I should pick it up again. I kind of go back and forth with it. But if only I were an elf of Lothlorien…
      You…haven’t seen Kung Fu Panda? (O_O) J/k, I don’t blame you. The advertisements for it looked so boring that it wasn’t until a few years after it came out that I got around to watching it. Then I realized what a great movie it actually was. If you like Lilo & Stitch (which I love too), I think Kung Fu Panda would be something you’d enjoy. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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