Mischevious Silmaril Top Five Results, Now It’s Up To YOU To Choose Who Is Worthy!

Fantasy Oscars, the Silmarillion Awards, Silmarils, LOTR, Lord of the rings, event, reading event, book event, fantasy event, oscars event, awards ceremony, awards event, gold, green, dragon, epic fantasy, adventure, authorblog, blogger, writer, reader, fellowship of the ring,

The results for the first round of nominations are in! Here are the top five now up for the Most Mischievous Imp Silmaril: Peter Pan (11). The boy we will always know from Neverland, who never wanted to grow up. His mischief has caused Wendy and many others grief. ~ Walter from Dragons In Our … Continue reading Mischevious Silmaril Top Five Results, Now It’s Up To YOU To Choose Who Is Worthy!

Fun at the Beach, and the Sand Sculpture Event 2017!

sand sculpture, event, ocean, beach, summer fun, author blog, life, art, 2017, June, hampton, books, writer, blogger,

The annual Sand Sculpture Event happened at Hampton Beach last weekend, and I had a blast seeing all the creativity and walking along the beach. These works of art each year range from the very strange to the philosophical to the endearing and pure fun! Here are this year's sand creations: Click on any image to … Continue reading Fun at the Beach, and the Sand Sculpture Event 2017!

St. Louis Botanical Gardens and The Trip!

I just got back from a trip out to IL visiting family, and thought I would share some of the highlights with you, foremost being the St. Louis Botanical Gardens. Originally we had intended to go to the old Train Station in St. Louis, which years back was a really cool place filled with shops. … Continue reading St. Louis Botanical Gardens and The Trip!

October 2015 Overview

  Here October is the month of colorful leaves, pumpkins, and the spooky and scary. This author has been enjoying it, and is sad to watch the month come to a close as November draws near. Then again, that means Thanksgiving is on it's way, and lots of delicious food—and that's not a bad thing. 😉 Here … Continue reading October 2015 Overview

One Year Blogoversary! And a Character Spotlight: Aken

Happy New Year, 2017, 2016, new year, resolutions, fireworks, author blog, storytelling, must read, good read, poem, poetry, micro fiction, flash fiction, YA, MG, books, fantasy books, SFF books,

What’s their favourite ice cream flavour? Aken likes many different flavors; but the best to him is probably chocolate flavored, because chocolate is an expensive delicacy in their kingdom.