The Handwriting Challenge

am reading, am writing, author e e rawls, pen, paper, feather, pocket watch, scroll, victorian, fantasy books, gothic, steampunk, letter, author blog, YA books, MG books, good reads, must reads,

To be honest it’s been a long time since I’ve put pen in hand to write anything longer than a note. I’m a type-everything-on-the-computer gal, so my pen writing skills need some brushing up on!

Thank you to Nandini over at Unputdownable Books for nominating me for the Handwriting Challenge! In this blog hop, participants write down the answers to a series of questions on paper, then take a photo of the paper and share it on their blog post for everyone to see what their handwriting looks like!

Here are the questions I answered:

  1. Write your name
  2. Write your blog’s name
  3. Write your favorite word and its definition
  4. Write something nice
  5. Write the name of your favorite song right now
  6. What are you writing with?
  7. Write a fun fact about yourself
  8. Write/draw your favorite emoticon
  9. Write a silly message
  10. Write who you’re tagging

And here are my answers, which I hope you can read despite my handwriting:

writing, reading, questions, book love, books, author blog, monday blog, speculative fiction, poetry, fantasy books, storytelling,

My nominees for this challenge are:

Madeline J. Rose

Claire M. Banschbach


Galit Balli

Jenelle Schmidt

E. Paige Burks

and YOU, if you’re interested in this tag! Just link back to this post so we can all see your answers and your lovely handwriting!

How would you answer my written question on #9?

Have you ever studied graphology or handwriting analysis? The only bit I did learn is from Nandini’s post: that where you cross your T’s shows your confidence level, and whether your O’s are a solid circle or have a loop at the top shows how well you can keep a secret. 😉

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Fantasy, YA, MG, epic reads, reading, what to read, E E Rawls, vchronicles, book series, new author, new series, new read, best read, must read, storytelling, goodreads, 2017, SFF books, fantasy books, author blog,

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