Welcome to October and Autumn!

One of my favorite times of the year has arrived, and that time is autumn, and no month makes me feel the full season effect than the month of October! For this celebration of autumn I will share with you some things I’m looking forward to this autumn season. And if you like, tell me about what you are looking forward to this autumn in the comments below. 🙂

The Leaves: New England is among the most beautiful places during the fall, especially the further north you travel, so I’m looking forward to the trees coloring the world like a painting.

Pumpkins: I love carving pumpkins, even if it makes my hands sore afterwards, lol. Other places around the world are doing fun things with pumpkins too! Here are a few: (click on images to visit their websites for more photos and info)

Pumpkin contest in Germany

Giant pumpkin carving in the UK

World record pumpkin pie from Ohio!

Amazing pumpkin carvings

Click on image to see more creatively carved pumpkins

The Spooky Factor 🙂 : Haunted houses, hayrides, and cemeteries. One of the biggest haunted house tours in America is in Lee, NH. Everything there is handmade and of giant proportions. I’d like to go there one of these years. (Click on the image for more photos and info)

as the haunted tour is being built

New England, especially Mass and NH, are well known for having historical graveyards, a few of which I’ve visited:

However, some of the most fascinating grave stonework can be found in Europe. The details on many of these old graves are beautiful and haunting:

Cemetery in Spain

Prague Jewish cemetery


Genoa, Italy


Okay, now it’s your turn! What are you looking forward to this autumn? 🙂

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(all images and photos belong to their respective owners and link back to them, or are public domain; no copyright intended)

49 thoughts on “Welcome to October and Autumn!

  1. I loved your post. I said to a neighbor one day how much I loved fall and the turning leaves. She replied she didn’t because her family tend to die in the fall. A week later she died in church as I was searching for her heart pills in her purse. I still love the fall. Martha and I will be taking day trips to the Smoky Mt. and Fall Creek Falls State Park in East Tennessee. Thanks for sharing the pumpkin carving!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I wish I could I say I was looking forward to fall. *lol* My favorite season is spring, so it’s hard for me to get on the autumn bandwagon, knowing what’s not far behind… But I do like fall-ish foods like apple pie, apple cider, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread – most anything with apples and pumpkin, really. 🙂 My mom also has a to-die-for recipe for pumpkin scones.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I feel your reluctance to enjoy fall knowing winter is around the corner, because for a few years I felt that exact same way. I do not like winter, not at all, but I finally decided not to let it ruin my enjoyment of autumn. I do wish the air was a bit warmer up here in the north, though, lol. I don’t like the cold. XD I do equally love spring as well; I honestly can’t choose between the two!
      Me and my mom have been canning apple butter from our apple trees, and it’s so good!
      Pumpkin scones?! Um, can you send me the recipe? That sounds delicious!

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  3. The tree photos are gorgeous! Generally we get some beautiful colors around here, too, but apparently this season is going to be disappointing. :/
    But I love fall just the same, and pumpkin, ooh…don’t get me started!:)

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  4. So much love for this post! Those pictures are to die for. I want to visit all the graveyards, and go on that haunted house tour too. And between you and Sara Letourneau, I just really want to go to New England, so thanks a lot (glares Grumpy Cat style).
    Actually, Michigan falls are equally beautiful- and the colors!! I’m planning on driving up the MI coast in a couple weeks, and hopefully accumulating some pics of the gorgeousness.
    I am currently in the process of trying to perfect an almond pumpkin mocha (sounds gross, but don’t laugh, I do strange things to entertain myself-and it’s not like I’d hand one to a customer . . .)
    Fall also means ArtPrize in Grand Rapids (I plan on doing a post about this giant art competition at some point). Wine and Beer tours (because they are big in MI), spiced cider, ALL THE APPLES, and (maybe) more time to curl up with a cup of tea/coffee and read. Oh, and bonfires. And hooded sweatshirts. And boots.
    Okay, I’ll stop now.

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    • LOL, *hides from the Grumpy Cat glare* XD You would love it here during the fall! Especially the first two weeks of October, because that’s when Maine, NH, and parts of Mass. trees begin to really change color.
      The graveyards I posted are in Europe. It would be so much fun to go on tours through those graveyards and marvel at the detailed masonry.
      Oh I bet the MI coast is beautiful this time of year! Looking forward to seeing your photos.
      This might sound strange, but I’d actually like to try that almond pumpkin mocha! Do you use almond milk? I’m lactose intolerant, so this treat sounds good!
      I’d love to see the ArtPrize in Grand Rapids! I’ll enjoy reading that post of yours and imagining that I was there. 🙂
      Me and my mom just made several batches of apple butter from our apple trees–not to brag about apples or anything. 😛 😉
      Bonfires, sweatshirts, boots, and yes, reading! 😀 I agree!


      • My sister made apple butter the other day. It made the whole house smell amazing.

        *Lactose intolerant too* so I’m always experimenting.
        Yes, I typically use almond milk in espresso drinks. It blends best with pumpkin, I think (and coconut milk tastes straaaange when you heat it). Right now, chocolate almond milk works the best. I’ve added cocoa powder and pumpkin puree, which has the best tasting results so far . . .
        ArtPrize was awesome (it’s always fun and festive feeling). I’ll probably have the pics up soon. Probably 😉 Enjoy those colors changing!


        • I love how the aroma fills the whole house! *yum* ^_^
          Cool, I didn’t know they made chocolate almond milk! I’ll have to go and find me some of that and pumpkin puree. I’m glad it sounds simple and easy to make. When things are too many ingredients my brain freezes, lol. 😀
          Yay, I want to see some of that fun and festive ArtPrize feeling!


  5. October is my favorite month, too. However, with Hurricane Joachim approaching, we may not have any leaves left to turn color. The NC mountains are just starting to turn now, so we have several more weeks before we have color here. I was surprised to see the Old-New Cemetery from Prague – we saw it several times when we lived there.

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    • The hurricane is a concern. I’m so sorry to hear that it might hit before the leaves fully change. 😦 I wish every fall could be beautiful, but sometimes weather gets in the way. You’ve been to Prague? I’d love to go there some time! 🙂


  6. So, autumn and winter are not my favourite seasons, but in the spirit of being positive, I will say hat I like crunching through the leaves on icy mornings. And curling up near a radiator with a good book.:) But that’s it. I much prefer spring and summer. Beautiful photos by the way.

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    • I like your positivity, phoenixgrey! 🙂 I’m not a fan of cold weather myself, but I do like the autumn colors, leaves, food and decor. Oh I love the sound of crunching leaves, and sitting in a warm place with a book is the best. 🙂

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  7. I love love love autumn too! The leaves are finally starting to change and I love wearing boots and jeans and sweaters and drinking apple cider and wassail and pecan tarts from Starbucks. ^ ^ And I like fall fairs. ^ ^ I’m going to one next week! Those graves look really morbidly awesome lol. I have a graveyard near my neighborhood that has graves dating back to the Civil War that’s really fun to look at.


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    • It’s almost peak weekend here, though I think last year our leaves were more colorful, but it’s still all so pretty! Pecan tarts, yum! I wish they’d sell gluten-free ones too. 🙂 Fall fairs are awesome! Hope you have lots of fun at yours. 😀 Civil War, that’s so cool! Old graveyards are so interesting to explore. I’m not sure if I’d have the guts to explore them at night though, haha, especially those European ones that have life-size statues!

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