Haiku: Give a Hug/Unnoticed

My haiku for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge–a fun activity and contest that is open for everyone to participate, and helps keep our creative writer’s mind active! This week’s words are: Silent & Loud. I hope you enjoy.


I wait in silence
Nobody notices me,
Though my heart screams loud.


“Give a Hug”

Sad, silent raccoon
I reach to give it a hug,
Loud growl, it attacks!

© 2015 E. Rawls   Newsletter

How to read a haiku:
Sad, silent raccoon, I reach to give it a hug.
I reach to give it a hug, Loud growl, it attacks!

20 thoughts on “Haiku: Give a Hug/Unnoticed

  1. The first I, unfortunately, can relate to. The perils of being a quiet person. And the second made me laugh. I like the pairing of them. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, phoenixgrey. I wrote the 1st based on past experiences. Yes, the many perils, few people understand what it’s like. The 2nd reminds me of the movie Elf when buddy hugs the angry raccoon. 🙂 I’m glad you liked them.

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  2. Ha ha! I love how you do a serious, thoughtful haiku and a humorous one using the same challenge words. And I like both of this week’s pieces. I’ve felt #1 before, when I’ve been at my lowest. And #2 – watch out for those critters! *lol*

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    • #1 was a difficult one, based on many past experiences; glad to know I haven’t been the only one. #2, ohmygoodness, raccoons are not nice critters, lol! My grandma used to love feeding them, and I would be terrified every evening they came around XD.

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      • Ohhhh yah. Here’s a true raccoon story: I was coming home from dance class one night. Mom and Dad had forgotten to turn the driveway lampposts on for me (they have a 300 ft long driveway, so it’s kind of creepy in the dark). So I was going slowly – and a raccoon waddled across the driveway, right in front of me! I almost didn’t stop in time. 😮 Then as I kept driving to the house, it scurried behind a tree nearby and started screeching at me. And when I say screeching, I mean SCREECHING. *lol* It’s funny to look back on it now, but it wasn’t then!


  3. Hey! I know this isn’t related, but have you seen Rachael’s post about the BlogBattle? Are you going to switch from your serial to short stories? I’m trying to decide what I’m going to do, and I wondered what other people were doing.

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