More Trip and the St. Louis Art Museum

It's time for photos and more Springfield Trip fun! I think you will like the Art Museum. The first post was My Springfield Trip, and this is part 2 via another blog award. I was nominated for the Creative Blogger Award by author Rachael Ritchey (yes, I'm finally getting around to it! 😀 ) and sweet … Continue reading More Trip and the St. Louis Art Museum

#BP #Friendship: Madnes and Oz

Madnes Solver, E E Rawls, wonderland, fantasy author, madness solver

How long have they known each other, and how close are they? Madnes and Oz have known each other since they were children. They are cousins, and they used to be very close, two peas in a pod, though they differ in personality. Sadly, things didn’t stay that way. A change overcame Oz, an icy cold, and he began hating the world and everything he once loved. Madnes didn’t understand why or where this change was coming from, but it put an end to their friendship. And soon Oz moved away with his parents, and Madnes couldn’t bring himself to say goodbye or try and mend the broken bond between them.

Haiku: Unsilent

My haiku for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge–a fun activity and contest that is open for everyone to participate, and helps keep our creative writer’s mind active! This week’s words are: Lock & gab. I hope you enjoy it. "Unsilent" Lock the heart away, Yet the gab will speak its mind, Brewer of trouble. © 2015 E. Rawls   Newsletter … Continue reading Haiku: Unsilent