Writing Update: It’s Finally Been Decided!

behind the scenes, books, YA, MG, SFF, author E E Rawls, Strayborn, V Chronicles, GT, fantasy, science fiction, reading, good reads, must read,

Check your email inbox before you read this post if you’ve signed up for my newsletter. The reason I ask is because I sent out the Title Reveal newsletter this past Tuesday October 18, with an excerpt from my novel available only to subscribers. I hope you enjoy the special sneak peek!

In this post, I will reveal the title for the dastardly behemoth manuscript that I’ve been working on over these past four years (of course if you’ve read the newsletter, then you already know what it is 😉 ). You probably remember the trouble I had searching for the right title for this WIP? Well, earlier this year, I finally found “the one,” and I’ve been dying to share it on this blog! I made myself wait until the WIP’s final draft was closer to the publishing stage, and now that time is here! But before I begin:

It’s Explanation Time, where I now must share with you the “title files” of my works in fiction.


This is the name for the universe in which most of my books and series will take place. Similar to how Pratchett’s universe is DiscWorld, and Brandon Sanderson’s is the Cosmere. Why did I choose this particular title? Well, you will have to read one of the books to find out. 😉

(I’ll call it by it’s abbreviation for now)

GT is the current series within the V.Chronicles universe that I am working on. It’s a Sci-fi/Fantasy mix. I lightly call it Young Adult, because it can be enjoyed by a much broader audience than that, and is very different from the current YA books you find. The series begins with an Upper MG/Lower YA feel as the characters are introduced at younger ages. But there will be a time leap to when the characters are older, around 17, and that will last for the remainder of the series.

I first started on this world’s premise back in 2000 (back when I just wrote for the joy of writing, and publishing was a vague idea in the back of my young writer head, haha), so this series’ world-building has been a long and fun work in progress. When I realized I wanted to publish it, and could, I focused and worked my behind off polishing it up over the past 4 years!

And now, for the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the Title Reveal of Book #1 in the series is…










This is the first book in the GT series! After much time spent focusing on the story’s theme and content, I realized the word “stray” had to be in the title somewhere, as it resonates with main character Cyrus and the situation she finds herself in. I went through several ideas with “stray,” but nothing seemed to click. It wasn’t until the word “born” came to mind that I knew I finally had the right book title.

Remember to check your inbox for the first-look at an excerpt from Strayborn contained within last Tuesday’s newsletter! If you have any trouble locating it, check your spam folder. (you can also type in “erawls” in the email search bar—that sometimes helps.)

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25 thoughts on “Writing Update: It’s Finally Been Decided!

  1. Cool title! I like it a lot!

    Love hearing the back story for titles and how authors come up with them. I wrestle with titles so much, but it’s also really fun to find the “one” that just fits.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Jenelle!
      Titles make for quite a wrestling match, I agree! 🙂 Sometimes the “one” will come right away, but other times it takes a lot of work to find–like this one did, haha. Which of your titles was the hardest to find the “one” for?


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