Legends and Legendary Creatures, the A-Z List!

myths, legends, creatures, monsters, storytelling, fairy tales, stories, dragons, eagles, China, Japan, America, Europe, Highlands, world myths, world legends, epic fantasy, high fantasy, young adult series, middle grade series,

April’s #AtoZChallenge explored many legends and legendary creatures from around the world. I learned a ton doing this: about creatures I’d never heard of or only vaguely knew of, about many interesting folklore tales and how they came to be, and about fossils of monstrous creatures that once lived. Many of you really enjoyed the posts, which made all of this worthwhile and kept me smiling! So I’d say that, all in all, this challenge was a success! I put together a list of all of the posts here, so you can check back any time to read through them. 🙂

Legends A-Z

I hope you enjoyed April’s journey through time and legends! Don’t forget to click the “Follow” button to be notified of future blog posts!

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9 thoughts on “Legends and Legendary Creatures, the A-Z List!

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