Haiku: To Catch & Ambush

haiku, poem, poetry, fantasy, E Rawls

My haikus for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge–a fun activity and contest that is open for everyone to participate, and helps keep our creative writer’s mind active! Check out his new book: Amber Wake! This week’s words are: Lift & Plan.

*Note: new Behind the Scenes post about my WIP progress!

“To Catch”
He lifted a net
The plan now taking effect,
centaurs unaware.
Swords lift from their grasp
As magic yanks weapons free,
Dark mage’s plan wins.

© 2016 E. E. Rawls and Rawls E. Fantasy

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How to read a haiku as 2 separate sentences:
Swords lift from their grasp, As magic yanks weapons free,
As magic yanks weapons free, Dark mage’s plan wins.

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Fantasy-flavored poems, imaginative short stories, and tricky riddles:



6 thoughts on “Haiku: To Catch & Ambush

  1. I like the stories in these two. I’ve got a wonderful image in my mind from the second, and the first – I’m not sure whether to warn the centaurs or not. :/

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooooh, naughty naughty narrator in #1! He should learn to leave those poor centaurs alone! 😉

    *lol* Kidding, of course. Both haikus are very good, and very fantasy-ish. They actually seem to parallel one another, showing different sides of the ambush. #1 could be the mage’s, and #2 could be the centaurs. Was that intended? Or did you write them as two separate, unconnected pieces?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahaha! I don’t think he’s in his right mind, because centaurs are quite tough. I wouldn’t want to face their wrath! 😀
      At first I began them as separate, but then I thought a connection between the two would be fun. So it’s a bit of both: connected, but also can be separate if the reader prefers. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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