Resolutions and Dreams 2016 #BP

rawls e fantasy, elf, fantasy girl, castle, gold, dream, magic

This is part of the #BP Beautiful People monthly meme, hosted by Paper Fury and Further Up & Further In, where we writers answer a series of questions. This month’s theme is about our goals and plans for this new year. I’ll discuss last year’s writing achievements, my hopes and writerly goals for 2016! 🙂


  1. What were your writing achievements last year?

♦ As those of you who have been following me on the journey know, finishing draft #2 of my current WIP, V.Chronicles was a huge achievement for me. It was a daunting task, but watching the story improve and progress the more I revised kept me motivated to continue, as I described in my latest Behind The Scenes post.

♦ Beginning a new series I hadn’t intended on: Madnes Solver. That was a surprise, and one that caught me off guard! I was already so busy with V.Chronicles that the last thing I needed was another WIP to write, lol. 😉 But the #BlogBattle writing challenge word “madness” one week inspired the idea, and the story grew from there. Soon the tale will reach novel-length!

  1. Tell us about your top priority writing project for this year?

V.Chronicles will be the top priority, for sure! Secondly, I’d like to finish Madnes Solver. And thirdly, begin drafting an epilogue novella for V.Chronicles (some of you might recognize its former title “Clover” 🙂 ).

  1. List 5 areas you’d like to work the hardest to improve this year.

♦ For me, the biggest one, writing-wise, would probably be “time.” I’d like to improve how many pages I write in a day, and how many I can revise/edit on WIP drafts in a day. I’m too slow, right now. But hopefully with practice I’ll be able to speed up my process.

♦ Juggling blogging and social media time. Right now, it feels overwhelming, since I’m still revising my WIP and would like to spend all my time doing that. However, life as an author means I will always be writing and/or revising something, so I really can’t let this be an excuse not to keep up with the blog, twitter, and other media. It’s a struggle to juggle, but I’m determined to figure it out.

♦ Communication skills. As an author, if I want to do book signings in the future, and attract more readers, then I need to master those communication skills like a pro. 😀

♦ Be active. Whether it’s a physical class or following along with youtube videos, I need to do something more than ride my indoor bike! I’m considering Tai chi or some form of dance.

♦ Better food habits. I’m limited with food as wheat and dairy bother me, but much of the other options are either not very tasty or not very healthy. Brown rice flour is in so much of the gluten-free products out there, which I don’t like consuming long-term considering arsenic levels, so I’d like to find more options. 🙂

  1. Are you participating in any writing challenges?

The #BlogBattle by Rachael Ritchey, and Ronovan’s haikus! Both are weekly, and you can find links to them here on blog posts!

  1. What’s your critique partner/beta reader situation like and do you have plans to expand this year?

Several people have offered to be beta readers for me, and I’m so very thankful for each and every one of them! I’m hoping my WIP will be ready sometime this yearrr, but we’ll see. 🙂

  1. Do you have plans to read any writer-related books this year? Or are there specific books you want to read for research?

I’ve been so focused on fiction books, that I forgot to plan for writer-related books, haha. I guess it depends on how this year goes. I do have a goodreads tbr list of some great writer-related books I’d like to get to! Other than that, I’m reading YA, Fantasy, Steampunk, and mild Horror—trying to read a variety of genres this year.

  1. Pick one character you want to get to know better, and how are you going to achieve this?

Uh…just ONE? Really? Can’t I pick all of them? As well as I know each of my characters, there’s still so much more I could learn. Character profiles are my go-to tool for doing this. Answering a series of detailed questions helps me get inside a character’s mind and learn things I might not have otherwise.

One example of that would be the #BP Friendship post that helped me really flesh out more of Madnes’ and Oz’s characters, as well as their former friendship in the WIP Madnes Solver.

  1. Do you plan to edit or query, and what’s your plan of attack?

Edit, revise, edit, revise…yes, that about sums up my WIP work, right now. 🙂 I’m on draft #3 currently, and I know a draft #4 is needed. The more I go over it, the easier it has been to catch those dust bunny rascals and loopholes, and tie together previously loose threads. As Kronk said: “Oh yeah, it’s all coming together.”

  1. Toni Morrison once said, “If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.”  What are the books that you want to see more of, and what “holes” do you think need filling in the literary world?

Hmm, I’d like to see epic tales like Lord of the Rings, but with a new flare, and PG-13 friendly. I’d also like to see more faery stories. Can’t get enough of them, lately. 🙂

  1. What do you hope to have achieved by the end of 2016?

♦ V.Chronicles finished and ready to be published!—or at least close to that. We’ll see how the year unfolds!

♦ Having the rough draft of Madnes Solver finished would also be fantastic.

There you have it! My writerly and lifely goals for 2016. 🙂 I look forward to spending this new year with you all, dear readers and friends! Don’t forget to click the “Follow” button to be notified of new posts, and if you’re looking for things not on the blog, follow my monthly mailing list. 🙂

You can also find me on FacebookTumblr, Google+, and Twitter. 🙂

~Welcome to 2016!~



30 thoughts on “Resolutions and Dreams 2016 #BP

  1. Ooh, good luck with the editing!! I’m focusing on editing too! AND IT’S A LITTLE DAUNTING. *collapses slightly* hehe. But so worth it once it’s done, right?! I’m loving the Kronk gif. xD omg such good memories.
    Alsoooo, I don’t eat wheat/dairy either (or rice actually 😛 )…have you tried coconut flour? It is a lifesaver. Or almond flour? I honestly recommend checking both out because you can have such tasty foods without using rice as well!!
    Ahem. Anyway. ;D Good luck with your goals this year and thanks for joining in our linkup!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve mentally collapsed more than once editing it, lol! XD I’m right there with you, sharing in that pain. 😀
      Kronk was the best, in his day. Definitely my fav character in that movie!
      I’ve tried almond flour, but it doesn’t always work for everything. I haven’t tried coconut flour though. Would you recommend it for things like bread, waffles, etc?
      Thank you, Cait. Good luck with your goals too! I plan to join in on more BP linkups this year. 🙂


  2. Go get ’em tiger. I k.n.o.w. you’ll get there. You’re so organized. 😀 😀
    I love editing, but this year has been a mess time-wise. I’m retired but am out of the house every single morning till lunchtime. All that time I could have been doing what I should. 😦

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    • Thank you, Tess, I shall try my best! My writing might be organized, but my living space and desk sure aren’t, lol. 😀
      What morning activity do you do?
      You were having fun each of those mornings, right? If so, then it’s good for your spirit and therefore good for your mind and writing skills. 🙂


      • I enjoy reading the morning newspaper with my coffee, but have had to cut that out this year. It’s all doom and gloom. Five mornings a week I have to leave the house for exercise and physiotheraphy + bookstore one day (which I enjoy). Hours are lost and I have been losing reading and writing time. I know. Whine. Whine. Whine. 😀 😀
        I use my 8-ft. dining-room table for doing my work and it’s covered in junk,books. paper, notebooks, the newspaper, envelopes from mail. Ugh.
        What about you?

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        • The bookstore sounds fun! I’m considering working at a local one. Lots of editing/writing, reading, and trying to memorize a bigger vocabulary for writing, exercise, sketches, emails, and usually the evening is filled with blog community things (reading and commenting on others posts, which surprisingly takes up a lot of time). I’m glad to be getting in writing/editing time, but I’m quite slow at it. I’ve never been a fast thinker. 😉 I try to keep the table clean, but junk finds its way on it too, haha. 🙂


    • Thank you for stopping by, Jenelle! It is indeed a busy year writing/revising wise! I need to store up some more mental energy to ready myself for it, lol. 🙂 It sounds like you’re going to be busy too!
      I’ll try to participate in the BP posts more often, as I really do like the questions they ask. 😀


  3. Go, Elizabeth! You had a great 2015 writing-wise, and I’ve no doubt that 2016 will be even better for you. 🙂

    I echo your sentiments about “time” – or maybe the better term to use is “speed.” But you know what? Every writer goes at their own pace; some whip through their stories, and others need that extra time. It’s something I’ve been slowly recognizing over time. This recent post over at Writer Unboxed ( was also very encouraging. Heather Webb (the post’s author) responded to my comment on this very subject, and I really appreciate what she said. I think you might, too.

    Ha ha, we ALL responded to #7 the same way. “ONLY ONE?!?!” XD

    And even though we’ve already talked about beta-reading, you know where to find me when you’re ready. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Sara! I sure hope it will. 🙂 I’ll do my best!
      Good point, “speed” and “time” do go hand-in-hand, and I’m not satisfied with how slow my current speed is. But now that I think of it, I use to be much slower last year… Maybe speed can be improved a bit, but it takes time to develop those skills? I doubt I’ll ever be a fast writer, but I can be comfortable with that. I just want to reach the maximum limit I can within my capabilities, if that makes sense.
      Thank you for the link! There’s some good advice in there for every aspiring author, I think. It’s encouraging, and I like how Heather tackles the problem. We should embrace our own journey, and not compare ours to others.
      Indeed I do, and I’m so glad to have you onboard! Likewise, I’m excited for TKC! 🙂

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      • I think what matters more than being a fast writer is a good writer. In other words, quality over quantity. They don’t always go hand in hand – and anyone who’s able to master both must be a writing genius. The point is, just do what you can in the time that you have. Gandalf words that sentiment more eloquently in The Fellowship of the Ring. 😉

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  4. This is a great post. I wanted to get round to doing Beautiful People this month, but time kind of got away from me. I echo your sentiments about trying to bring everything in with writing, blogging and social media. And life, of course. 🙂 It’s hard to find time for it all, and do it well. I think if I were a bit more organised I would find it easier. Something I hope to work on this year. It will be exciting for you to finally hold the finished book in your hands. I look forward to getting to read it some day. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Perhaps this year will be a time for both of us to be more organized. It’s a struggle, but I think we can do it. 🙂
      Thank you so much, my friend. I’m really looking forward to that day when it’s finished! I hope the book will meet everyone’s expectations. I’m kind of nervous about that. 🙂

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    • I didn’t know Tai Chi was a style of Kung Fu. I like it even more now! Maybe once I get some strength/muscle I can move up to Kung Fu. 🙂
      Water is definitely more my go-to drink now.
      Thank you so much, Tori! And best wishes for your writing and life goals this year, too! I’ll check out your BP now.


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