Haikus: Sing Away & In Style

I’m back and ready to haiku this week! 🙂

My haikus for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge–a fun activity and contest that is open for everyone to participate, and helps keep our creative writer’s mind active! This week’s words are: Style & Fresh.

“Sing Away”
The minstrel’s style
refreshingly new to hear,
no more screeching notes.
“In Style”
She had style and class
Fresh as a cool cucumber,
A true frog empress.

© 2015 Rawls E. Fantasy  Newsletter

How to read a haiku as 2 separate sentences:
The minstrel’s style, refreshingly new to hear.
Refreshingly new to hear no more screeching notes.

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Fantasy poems, imaginative short stories of faith and complex riddles:



13 thoughts on “Haikus: Sing Away & In Style

  1. Love the last line of the second one. Nice twist. 🙂 Positive end to the first as well. Screeching notes are never good.


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