“Be Thankful” Challenge

My sweet author friend Rachael Ritchey nominated me for this Thanksgiving themed blog fun! Be sure and visit her website and check out her book The Beauty Thief.

After the tragedy in Paris last week, I am especially reminded how important it is to be thankful for all that we have. To treasure every moment spent with loved ones. To value love, hope, and kindness. To cling to the Author of our faith and persevere. Fellow writer Victoria worded this more beautifully than I could here in her post: What do you do?

The Rules

– Share this image in your blog post
– Write about 5 people in your life you are thankful for
– Write about 5 things in 2015 that you are thankful for
– Spread the love and challenge 5 other blogs to take part 

5 People I’m Thankful For in 2015:

The one who has been with me since the beginning. This year God has helped me through many trials, days of self-doubt, loss, and personal challenges.

My family, for all that they have taught me, and the support they’ve given me.

My best buddies, no matter how far away they may live. 😀

The #BlogBattlers, who have become like my online family. Thank you for supporting me! ❤

Every one of you writers, authors, and readers who have taken the time to read my posts, offered advice, and left encouraging comments. I can’t put into words how much it means to me.

5 Things I’m Thankful For in 2015:

Getting serious about blogging at the start of the year. Through it I have met and befriended amazing fellow writers, authors, and bloggers. I can’t imagine my life without them now.

Spending time with friends and relatives over the summer.

A new, modern day TV! Yes, until this year we were using an old “box” TV, haha. I finally feel modern. 😛

Art tips. Between advice from an artist friend and tips on DeviantArt, the characters I draw now look more like people instead of disfigured creatures. Yay for tips! 😀

A beautiful autumn season. 🙂

Okay, now it’s my nominees’ turn!

Trisha Ann

Sara Letourneau

Rebekah Hendrian

Candice Coates

Victoria, A Gathering of Dreams

Please link back to this page so we can find your post. 🙂

Connect with me on FacebookTumblr, Google+, and Twitter. If you would like to read more about me, WIPs, and things not on the blog, follow my monthly mailing list.


20 thoughts on ““Be Thankful” Challenge

  1. I can’t tell you how much I love the idea behind this challenge, E. And I also like the people and things you chose to honor with your post. 🙂

    Thank you for nominating me. I’ll make sure to do this in December, since the Christmas season is also a good time to remember what you’re grateful for.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. There is so much in life to be thankful for. I love this post, it’s one that really makes me smile. And I will get around to doing mine in the next week. Hopefully. ::)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks for tagging me! This is indeed a timely post. With all the wrong stuff happening in the world, it’s nice to still find time to give thanks to the right things no matter how minute they are.

    That drawing you posted from your vacation! It’s awesome! You should post a picture of a new one showcasing your improvement. Haha! 😀

    Did you start your blog just this year? You’re actually among the first few bloggers I interacted with in the blogosphere when I started my blog early this year. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • My thinking too, it’s nice to spend time giving thanks for the right things. I look forward to reading your tag. 🙂

      Thanks! I’m glad you like it! I should try and finish it one of these days. Because it’s related to my book series V. Chronicles, I think I’ll post the finished art once I’m ready to publish. 😀 I hope it shows art improvement, haha. 😀

      I started blogging last year in July, but I wasn’t too serious about it until this year. It took me a while to figure things out and get in the groove of posting.
      Yay, I’m happy to be among your first blogging friends! 😀


  4. Awwww. This is a sweet post. ^ ^ I’ve already got all of my posts lined up for this month so I’ll write the things I’m thankful for here:

    5 People I’m Thankful For in 2015:

    Cassia, my awesome writing buddy who helped me survive NaNo.

    Cassidy, my best friend whom I love and cherish.

    Anne, my cousin who understands the journey of an artist trying to make a career.

    My mom for all of the support she’s shown toward my dream.

    All of my bloggy readers and all of the support I get from them.

    5 Things I’m Thankful For in 2015:

    My editing position at Geeks Under Grace. I feel like I’m making a difference on there.

    Good food. I love cooking and having good stores to buy food for cooking close by.

    Cool weather so I’m not sweating and stressed all of the time.

    My car. It’s been trusty and not broken down.

    My favorite pair of boots.


    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for participating, Tori! 🙂
      You have a wonderful group of people in your life, and they sound very supportive.
      Oh yes, I am thankful for good food too! That is something many of us take for granted, I think.
      I’m curious about Geeks Under Grace. What kind of work do they do?

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome.
        They are. I love them so much. ^ ^
        I believe so too.
        At Geeks Under Grace we write reviews and other geeky articles from a Christian perspective. I just recently did a review for the Mockingjay Part 2. You can check out the site here. 🙂 http://www.geeksundergrace.com/ I’m the head of the movie article department.

        Liked by 1 person

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