Haiku: “Sing Your Heart Out”

My haiku for RonovanWrites Weekly Haiku Challenge, a fun activity and contest that is open for everyone to participate, and helps keep our creative writer’s mind active! This week’s words are: Pitch & Time. I have 2 haikus this week! I hope you enjoy them.

“Sing Your Heart Out”

Her notes were off pitch,

Little did the fairy care,

If others complained.


“Keep Climbing”

Time was dwindling,

It was a steep pitch to climb,

The majestic cave.

The fairy is quite happy being herself, don’t you think? 🙂

Even when the road is rough, and the path is steep, keep climbing!

How to read a Haiku:

Her notes were off pitch, Little did the fairy care,

Little did the fairy care, If others complained.

© 2015 E. Rawls   Newsletter

13 thoughts on “Haiku: “Sing Your Heart Out”

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